Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice


  1. OVERVIEW: (‘Website’) is provided by Data Hub Integrated Solutions Moro L.L.C, (‘Company’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’).
    The Company respects your right to privacy and is committed to protecting the information relating to you or from which we can identify you as an individual (‘your personal information’).
    The Company has developed this Privacy Notice (‘Notice’) as part of its security measures pertaining to the protection of your privacy. The Company recommends you read this Notice before accessing or using our services which may include but are not limited to collecting, using, and storing personal information.

  2. SCOPE:
    This Notice is developed in compliance with the applicable data privacy laws (‘Laws’) and its implementing rules and regulations. It is intended to inform you about our privacy procedures and practices, including who we are and how and why we obtain, use, and share your personal information. It also explains your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us in relation to this Notice.

    This Notice applies to all individuals (i) who visit/ access our Website and its related features, (ii) do, or offer to do business with us, (iii) register with us for any services, or procure services from us and/or (iv) apply for jobs with the Company.
    There are certain products and services we offer which have supplemental privacy notice. These are available under the product specific terms and conditions on our Website.
    Throughout our Website, we may link to other websites owned and operated by certain trusted third parties, which may also gather information about you in accordance with their own separate privacy policies. For privacy information relating to those third-party websites, please consult their privacy policies as appropriate.

    With the commitment to adopting the highest standards of integrity and transparency when it comes to data protection and privacy controls, the Company has developed this Notice which provides:
    a) The types of your personal information collected.
    b) How your personal information is collected and used, and why your personal information is used.
    c) Details pertaining to with whom we share your personal information.
    d) How long your personal information is stored.
    e) Enlist the measure undertaken towards the protection of your personal information collected.
    f) Your rights and choices in relation to your personal information obtained by us.


    1. What is Your Personal Information?
    Your personal information which the Company may collect, and use is as follows:
    a) Your name, email address, phone number, postal address etc.;
    b) Your social media profiles or handles (like LinkedIn account, Instagram handle etc.);
    c) if applicable, Your username and password which are created for our Website;
    d) Your call recording and other audio or video submissions, if any;
    e) Records of the consents you may have provided;
    f) Demographic Information such as your gender, date of birth, business information, work-related experience, nationality etc.;
    g) Your location information;
    h) The information on how you use our services, including your usage of our Website, information and records of services, sales, purchases, supplies, payment methods, and bank accounts;
    i) Your feedback on our Website, or other communication channels, response to surveys etc.; and
    j) Your educational and professional background, employment history, and any other information provided through resumes, or during interviews.

    2. How Is Your Personal Information Collected?
    The Company collects your personal information directly:
    a) When you register on our Website;
    b) When you participate in any bids or when you approach us with any offer in relation to our products and services;
    c) When you enter your personal information on our Website or when you communicate with us through email, our website, phone, or other modes of communications;
    d) When you register for the Company’s newsletter, or use the ‘Let us contact you’ form; and
    e) When you access our career page.

    The Company collects your personal information indirectly:
    a) From your browsing activity on our Website through Cookies which is a small text file that is placed onto your device (e.g. computer, smartphone, or another electronic device) when you use our Website.; and

    3. Why Do We Collect Personal Information and How Do We Use It?
    The Company may use your personal information for the following legitimate purposes:
    a) Creating or managing your account with us;
    b) Providing/receiving products and services, and performing contractual obligations;
    c) Verifying your identity to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and/or to prevent and detect fraud;
    d) Marketing the Company’s products and services through email and SMS, (you may opt-out or unsubscribe, at any time at no cost);
    e) Extending recruitment opportunities*;
    f) Communicating with you in relation to business relationships, and informing you on the changes to this Notice;
    g) Making available to you our newsletters;
    h) Protecting business interest, performing our legal and contractual obligations, and enforcing our rights;
    i) Providing customer support, and monitoring and improving the quality of our guest support;
    j) Analyzing how you use our website so that we can create user-friendly browser functionality.
    k) Updating and enhancing our customer records; and
    l) Personalizing the products, services, and communications.
    *The information received for the purpose of recruitment is solely used for career-related purposes, including evaluating the applicant’s qualifications, assessing their suitability for specific roles, contacting them regarding job opportunities, conducting background checks as necessary, providing updates on the application status, and seeking additional information or documentation.

    4. With Whom do We Share Your Personal Information?
    The Company may share your personal information with the following parties after being satisfied that they have appropriate measures for data security and protection:
    a) Its affiliates, group companies, auditors, banks, and professional advisors.
    b) Its service providers, who support its business activities.
    c) Should the need arise, the Company may share your personal information with law enforcement authorities or other government officials as a matter of compliance and/ or legal obligation or to protect its rights and property.

    5. How Long Is Your Personal Information Stored?
    The Company keeps the records of your personal information for no longer than is required for the purpose it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying legitimate interest, legal, accounting, or reporting requirements otherwise required by federal or local regulations. or used subject to mandatory retention periods prescribed under the applicable laws. When deciding how long to keep your personal information after the conclusion of the relationship with you, the Company takes into account its legal obligations and regulators' expectations.

    6. Will Your Personal Information Be Transferred Outside the UAE?
    The Company shall store and retain all your personal information alongside supplementary information on the Company’s systems and cloud servers located in the UAE. If we are required to transfer your personal information outside UAE, in such a case, we will comply with our obligations for protecting your personal obligations as required under the Laws.

    Moro Hub has implemented technical and organizational security measures to safeguard its stakeholder’s information including personal data. Moro Hub has defined and implemented required policies, procedures and controls in line with international standards and guidelines to safeguard information from being accidentally lost or destroyed, altered, disclosed or used or accessed in an unauthorized way. In addition, Moro Hub has certified on International Security standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 22301, UAE Information Assurance Regulation (IAR), Cloud Security Alliance STAR for Cloud Service Providers, AICPA Service Organization Control (SOC) Attestation Reports, DESC Certified Cloud Service Provider (CSP), Payment Card Industry data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

    The Company understands the importance of keeping your personal information accurate and up to date. Therefore, provides the following set of rights:
    a) Right to access information: You retain the right to access your personal information provided to us. Herein you may seek information pertaining to the purpose, categories, and details of personnel with access to your personal information.

    b) Right to rectification: Should your personal information available with the Company be incomplete or inaccurate, you retain the right to request rectification of such information.

    c) Right to erasure: You retain the right to request the erasure of your personal information on certain specific grounds where –
    • Your personal information is no longer necessary to be retained in line with the specific purpose for which it was sought; or
    • You object or withdraw consent for further processing of your personal information and there is no legitimate reason for us to deny your request.

    d) Right to restrict processing: You retain the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal information in cases whereby –
    • Your personal information in our records is inaccurate and needs to be rectified; or
    • You contest the purpose for processing your personal information.
    This means that the Company will only continue to store your personal information without any further processing till the reason for your request to restrict processing is addressed.

    e) Right to object: You retain the right to object and/ or stop processing in cases where your personal information is collected for – • Marketing purposes including profiling; and/ or
    • Statistical survey purposes unless it pertains to the public interest.
    You may choose to opt out of receiving marketing communications and/ or withdraw your subscription to the Company’s newsletter by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link in the email or by contacting us directly.

    f) Right to data portability: You have the right to request a copy and/ or transfer of your personal information from us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.
    g) To exercise the above rights, please reach out to or Privacy designated person identified under X below.)

    The Website content is not directed toward children. Should you choose to provide the personal information of an individual less than 13 years of age, you will be deemed to be providing the Company with your affirmative parental consent as the legal parent or guardian, enabling us to collect, use and process the personal information, in a manner that is consistent with this Notice.

    We may be required to update or change this Notice from time to time and will upload the updated version of the Notice, if any, on our Website. If there are any significant changes to the Notice (e.g. if we decide to use your personal information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected), we will notify you by way of an email.

    To monitor compliance with the applicable Laws and to provide a point of contact for any inquiries or concerns regarding the processing of your personal information, the Company has appointed a Privacy Officer (PO).
    You may reach out to the PO at with any queries or concerns regarding your rights and/ or processing of your personal information, or any other matter related to this Notice. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than one month from the date of your request.
    We may reject your request in relation to your personal information under certain circumstances including –
    a) It is beyond the purview of the purpose and processing of your personal information collected by the Company.
    b) It is in contravention of certain judicial procedures or investigations.

  11. CONSENT:
    By sending and delivering your personal information, or by using our products and services, or by providing products and services to us, you consent to its use in accordance with this Notice.

Case Study

Moro Hub delivers one of the world’s largest data migrations in the utilities sector

"To realise innovation, cost efficiency, scalability, speed and resiliency, DEWA’s entire 24-module SAP landscape (including business-critical systems) needed to be relocated from on-premises to the cloud. The project became one of the world’s largest migrations ever undertaken."

Achieving Zero downtime through massive migration to Moro Hub Green Data Center

Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital Dewa, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (PSJC) Collaborated with Dell Technologies to migrate over 330 devices across two data centers to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.